Wednesday, November 14, 2007

STD's on the increase

According to the CDC, syphilis is on the rise. Their note states that it is mostly due to MSM. This stands for Men who have Sex with Men. And all this time I thought MSM was Main Stream Media. Go figure. They also have just reported surges in Chlamydia and Gonorrhea infections.

One of our own is planning to see if Alternatives Pregnancy Center might be able to set up STD screening. Send your prayers Joyce's way to ease her path. Also, they need some volunteers, pregnant women, for an ultrasound screening training clinic. Women can get a free ultrasound! It will be in December.

I once told my daughters that sex is like nuclear power. It can keep you warm at night, or it can blow you to atoms. Richard Foster, in Celebration of Discipline, says sex is like a river--a good and wonderful blessing when kept within its proper channel, dangerous when it overflows its banks. The banks are one man, one woman in marriage.

We see the results of the overflow in increased STD's. I think people get confused about God's guidance, thinking that it is designed to kill our fun when actually it is more like guardrails to keep us from harm.

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