Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Is secular humanism a religion?

Found an interesting series of newsletters on worldviews. In this one, the author argues that a definition of "religion" that includes Buddhism and Confucianism also includes Secular Humanism. He then goes on to argue that a true separation of religion and state should apply to Secular Humanism just as much as to Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. Short article, lots of references. If anyone would listen, I wonder what the implications of removing secularism from the public schools might be? What would be left? (I'm sure this is not original with me, but I have thought in the past that we are establishing Atheism as the approved religion of the United States...)

Last month's (June/July 2007) First Things has a good article about secularism as well. It will come available on the website soon. Also though as John Patrick said last time he was in Denver, First Things is a great journal to add to your list. Intellectually challenging, religiously friendly, well argued, it has been an important part of my spiritual walk.

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