Thursday, May 24, 2007

John Patrick's Reading Recommendations

We had an excellent meeting last night. Sorry if you you missed it! John spoke about some of the problems Christian docs face. We had about fifty of us there and a good time was had by all. Near the end, John suggested some reading that would challenge us to expand our thinking. As promised, here are some links:

From First Things Magazine:
David Hart, Christ and Nothing
Robert Jensen, How the World Lost its Story
J. Budziszewski, The Revenge of Conscience

From Policy Review:
Lee Harris, The Future of Tradition

As an aside, one of my personal favorites is David Hart's analysis of the Tsunami, with one of my favorite lines:

"As for comfort, when we seek it, I can imagine none greater than the happy knowledge that when I see the death of a child I do not see the face of God, but the face of His enemy."

ROFTERS is Readers Of First Things. First Things is a journal of religion and public life, and I guarantee it will challenge you. It's intellectually high level, argumentative, well thought out. The First Things website has a description of Rofters. I've been going to a Denver group for some time now and have met some interesting, smart, thoughtful, and warm people that way.

So, if you read some of the above articles, first of all don't give up in frustration because of the level of the pieces. You will get better at it with practice. Second, I wonder if we ought to consider a Medical Rofter group, sort of a journal club? We could meet once a month and pick out an article to dissect (I am a pathologist after all). Think about it, pray about it, perhaps next Fall we'll figure out a time to get it going.

hmm.. 10x for thoughts :))
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