Monday, March 27, 2006

Residents bedeviled by Screwtape

The Denver Resident's group of CMDA met last Thursday to discuss three of The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis. DenverDocWife got me the book on tape years ago, with John Cleese (the comedic British actor) reading the part of the senior devil. (It was nominated for a Grammy award in 1988.) DenverDocDaughters make fun of me for being such a Lewis Geek, but it was just what I needed in my spiritual walk.

We discussed prayer, the different conceptions of time, and the shading of meanings of "MY" from my boots to my wife to my GOD. We have one of the most active resident's groups in the country and they need your prayers. Keep them in mind. And, by the way, coming to one of their get-togethers is highly recommended; they are enthusiastic, smart, and throw a good party.

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