Monday, March 20, 2006

Alternatives Pregnancy Center

At Hope Fellowship church the other day, a woman from Alternatives Pregnancy Center spoke. They provide good services to pregnant women. The most stirring part of her talk was when she told a story about a young woman whose sister had asked her what she thought of abortion. She answered that it was killing a baby, was wrong, etc. Her sister was found, dead, in a garage a few days later with the deposit slip on the seat next to her (her boyfriend had given her the money for the abortion.) She killed herself over the abortion she had.

The lesson? When someone asks "what do you think of abortion", consider that it might actually be a call for help rather than a request for information. The presenter suggested answering with, "I think abortion hurts women." Then, shut up and listen carefully. It is so tempting to launch into a sermon. Use those active listening skills we were supposed to have learned in school.

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