Friday, July 22, 2011

Define irony.

Harvard Ethics student steals millions of papers.

I believe it was John Patrick, MD, who said "Ethics classes make you knowledgeable about ethics, but don't make you ethical."

New on line course on diseases of poverty

by INMED. Here is the link.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How do we think about Aging in our culture?

Gilbert Meilander is one of the leading thinkers on bioethics in our age. He wrote an article in April's First Things on Aging that is worth your consideration.

The Mystery Worshipper--consumer reports for churches

There is an organization based out of England called "Ship of Fools" that has a crew of Mystery Worshippers that go out and "review" churches around the world. Great bunch. I reviewed a small church in New Orleans for them years ago, pre-Katrina, on a business trip.

They don't have a search function on the website that I see, but if you hit ctrl F on the browser it will substitute pretty well. Might be a good way to find a church in a new city.

Also what could be cool would be for someone searching to get registered as a Mystery Worshipper?

In His Image Family Medicine Residency

It's in Tulsa, OK. Does that interest you? A residency in a Christian setting? Here is their link.


Pro-Life OB-GYN's. What a concept.

There is an American Association of Pro-Life OB-GYN's. Interesting that the docs that DELIVER BABIES would need such an organization isn't it? Here is their site.


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